Kurs: Aspentech: EHY101 Aspen HYSYS: Process Modeling
Maersk Training Norway
3 dager Deltid Kurs Norsk Klasserom

PROCESS MODELING using Aspen HYSYS (Oil & Gas Focus)


In collaboration with Aspentech


•Optimize engineering work processes using the full power and flexibility of Aspen HYSYS to build, evaluate and optimize flowsheets
•Learn the shortcuts for efficient use of the software to build steady state simulations for Oil and Gas processes


Course Benefits
•Learn how the key features of Aspen HYSYS to allow rapid flowsheet construction and information flow
•Use the WorkBook and Process Flow Diagram (PFD) interfaces for quick and effective modeling
•Customize the WorkBook to track additional stream and operating parameters
•Model applications specific to oil and gas, including water saturation of a gas, determination of hydrate formation temperatures and pressures, and simulation of hydrate inhibition
• Perform auxiliary calculations using the built-in SpreadSheet
• Investigate how templates and subflowsheets can streamline and organize simulation efforts


•Instruction on basic topics
•Discussion about the general approach and the key elements for successful simulations
•Instructor-guided demonstrations of features
•Hands-on workshops
•Detailed course notes


•A background in chemical engineering or industrial chemistry


Process Modeling Using Aspen HYSYS (Oil & Gas Focus) Course Agenda


Module 1 Getting Started

• Define a fluid package and select components, including hypotheticals
• Perform stream property calculations
• Attach stream utilities
• Customize the Workbook


Module 2 Propane Refrigeration Loop

• Add operations to build a simple flowsheet
• Understand forward-backward information propagation
• Convert simulation cases to templates


Module 3   Two-Stage Compression


• Use the Recycle operation in Aspen HYSYS
• Choose suitable tear location for recycles
Module 4 Water Content & Natural Gas  Hydrates

• Saturate a single and two phase stream
• Determine hydrate formation temperatures and pressures
• Simulate hydrate inhibition using methanol


Module 5   Gas Gathering System

• Use the pipe segment to model pipelines


Module 6 Refrigerated Gas Plant


• Install and converge heat exchangers
• Use logical operations: Adjust and Balance
• Use the Case Study tool to perform case studies on your simulation
Module 7  HP & JT Separators

• Oil Characterization using boiling point assay data and the Aspen HYSYS Oil Manager
• Use of the Aspen HYSYS Spreadsheet to perform calculations


Module 8  NGL Fractionation Train


• Model de-methanizer, de-ethanizer, and de-propanizer columns using Column Input Expert
• Add extra performance specifications to the columns

Module 9 Troubleshooting


• Recognize, interpret and troubleshoot common problem areas in Aspen HYSYS
• Learn tips and tricks to ensure column convergence

Module 10 Reporting in Aspen HYSYS

• Customize reports in Aspen HYSYS using the Report Manager
• Use XML to create summary of the input data from a case
• Use the Aspen Simulation Workbook to deploy models via Microsoft Excel


Module 11 Compressor and Pump Curves

• Specify and attach single and multiple head and efficiency curves to compressors and pumps


Module 12 Rating Heat Exchangers

• Use the Dynamic Rating method (by providing heat exchanger geometry) to determine if an existing heat exchanger will meet process specifications


Module 13 Natural Gas Dehydration with TEG

• Model a typical TEG dehydration unit
• Determine the water dewpoint for a gas

Aspen Technology, Inc.® awards Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for training and development activities conducted by our organization in accordance with the definition established by the International Association of Continuing Education & Training (IACET). One CEU is granted for every 10 hours of class participation.



A background in chemical engineering or industrial chemistry


3 days


•New engineering graduates/technologists who will be using Aspen HYSYS in their daily work
•Process engineers doing process design and optimization projects and studies
•Plant engineers checking plant performance under different operating conditions
•R&D engineers and researchers using Aspen HYSYS for process synthesis

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